

pretty prom dresses

I'm not really sure what prompted me to wear such a fancy dress today but it makes me feel good and pretty because I last wore this dress in high school for prom. I wasn't sure if it would still fit so I thought I'd try it. Much to my surprise it still fits so I decided to wear "my dress, my dress my fancy dress" (yes I've had that song in my head all day from wearing it lol)

So, while my eating and food consumption has been far from perfect lately at least I'm still the same size I was in high school. I need to get back in to doing my workouts and drinking my shakeology to get back on track but for now I'm feeling pretty and content with things as they are. My mind is slowly shifting back... I can be very stubborn which is usually to my detriment but I'm trying pretty prom dresses :)
# iamaworkinprogress # tryingtorefocus # gratefulformylife # thingsarentperfectbutimtryingtoimprove